How to Manage and Benefit from High Interest Rates
If you have credit card debt, high interest rates can make it feel like you're constantly paying but never making any real progress.
When applying for a personal loan, be prepared to provide detailed information about your income and credit history.
Amortization refers to the process of spreading out a loan into a series of fixed payments to your lender.
Local Rates, Savings & Investment
Hedge fund managers try to find profitable returns in just about any sector they believe will help it make a profit.
The lower the interest rate on a mortgage loan, the less a borrower pays monthly and over the life of the term.
Local Rates, Savings & Investment
Through what can only be described as banking background checks, large banks are denying new accounts to those who have blemishes on their record.
As hard as it may be to believe, the adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) has reached levels not seen since the housing bubble burst in 2008.
Local Rates, Mortgage, Savings & Investment
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a homebuyer is taking out a loan and not comparing mortgage interest rates.
Local Rates, Savings & Investment, Smart Spending
Economic numbers generally looked decent, if not good exactly, but the markets just couldn’t shake things off this week.
Uh-oh. The only thing propping up Chicago may be that which is alluded to in their nickname: wind.
Local Rates, Savings & Investment, Smart Spending
With McDonald’s employee budget captivating America for the past few weeks, its time to take a look to see if it is possible to live off minimum wage.